Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hello, world.

            So, this is my blog, I guess.  We’re supposed to be tracking our progression into the adult world as we volunteer at different places, apparently.  My older brother Jay had Mrs. Felton in freshman year and said she doesn’t even read these things, just makes sure you did them and checks that they signed your hours sheet.

I mean, I guess it’s good.  I don’t mind writing, and you can’t say you hate volunteering without sounding like a dick.

            Which brings me to the title of this blog.  The Involuntary Volunteer.  Kind of dramatic, but hey, no one’s gonna read this anyway.

            I don’t mind helping people out, like volunteering and stuff.  I just don’t like being forced into it.  Kind of defeats the purpose of a volunteer.

            Especially when you don’t even get to pick your own project cuz your parents choose it for you.

            I thought it’d be cool to help out at a soup kitchen downtown, but Mom’s afraid of “vagrants.”  I didn’t know people even still used that word.  So instead my project is to read to the elderly at the retirement home my sister Christa works at as a nurse.  Mom wants her around in case I need help or have any questions or an old lady throws her dentures at me.

            Now I don’t know about you, Internet, but I think reading a book’s pretty straightforward, don’t you?  But apparently my young brain can’t hack it.

            Whatever.  I respect their decision.  They're the adults around here.

            Anyway, I start tomorrow.  So I guess we’ll see how it turns out.